About ICAC

The Committee is the outgrowth of an international cotton meeting held in Washington, DC, in 1939. At that time, world stocks of cotton had reached nearly 25 million bales, more than half of which were located in the United States. In September 1939, the following 10 producing countries convened in Washington, DC: Brazil, British cotton exporting colonies, Egypt, French cotton exporting colonies, India, Mexico, Peru, Sudan, the USSR, and the United States, to discuss problems of overproduction, rising stocks and falling prices. The principal objective was to take concerted international action to avoid chaotic developments in the world cotton economy. 

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Member Benefits

Membership in the ICAC provides tangible benefits in the form of increased access to statistics and critical technical information provided by the Secretariat. Membership can lead to enhanced participation in collaborative interactions in cotton research and development. And, perhaps most importantly, membership provides the avenue for a country's government and cotton industry to join fully into the fraternity of cotton countries in discussions of cotton issues of international scope and significance. 
The ICAC is an association of 26 members with an interest in cotton. The ICAC, formed in 1939, is the only inter­governmental body for cotton producing, consuming and trading countries. There are currently nine members of the Secretariat originating from eight different countries — Belarus, Colombia, France, Great Britain, India, Russia, Spain and USA — who work together from one office in Washington.

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Press releases from ICAC and breaking news stories from the cotton value chain 

Global Cotton Promotion

The ICAC plays a central role in the global promotion of cotton.

Learning Corner

Focusing on environmentally conscious best practices for cotton cultivation

Projects & Workshops

Research Associate Program, Regional Networks, and current and closed projects


The place where cotton professionals come to discuss cotton's challenges and opportunities 


Reports, statistics and analysis from all sectors of the cotton value chain