26 October 2017 - 27 October 2017 , Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Sunday, 22 October 2017
10:00/00:00 | Registration (International Hotel Tashkent) | ||
10:00 | Meeting of the Task Force on the Commercial Standardization of Instrument Testing of Cotton (CSITC) (Samarkand room) | ||
12:00 | Meeting of the Expert Panel on Social, Environmental and Economic Performance of Cotton Production (SEEP) (Samarkand room) | ||
14:00 | Meeting of the Private Sector Advisory Panel (PSAP) (Samarkand room) | ||
15:00 | Meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Cotton Researchers Association (ICRA) (Samarkand room) | ||
15:30 | Tashkent City Tour | ||
Monday, 23 October 2017
Order of the Day
08:00/00:00 | Registration (International Hotel Tashkent) |
10:00 | Inaugural Session Summary (Conducted in the Expo Center, adjacent to the International Hotel Tashkent)
12:00 | Visit to the stands of International Uzbek Cotton and Textile Fair (optional) Lunch (International Hotel Tashkent) |
13:00 | First Open Session: World Cotton Market Report Summary (Amir Temur Main Hall)
This session will explore developments in the world cotton market, as well as including an overview of the cotton sector in the host country, Uzbekistan. The Secretariat will make presentations on world cotton supply, mill use, trade, stocks and prices, as well as on the annual ICAC report on Government Support to the Cotton Sector. Speakers:
14:30 | Coffee/tea break | ||
15:00 | First Plenary Meeting: Statements from Members Summary A (Amir Temur Main Hall) |
16:30 | Coffee/tea break |
17:00 | First Plenary Meeting (cont.) Summary B Statements from Members, Non-members and International Organizations (Amir Temur Main Hall) |
19:00 | Reception (dinner and cultural program) Restaurant Navruz (departure by bus from the International Hotel Tashkent at 18:45) (Business attire) |
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
Order of the Day
09:00/00:00 | Second Open Session: Exploiting Genetic Diversity, Genepools and Cotton Genomics: Where Are We and What to Expect? Summary
(Amir Temur Main Hall) In this session, representatives from the scientific community will discuss the use of modern “omics’ tools, methods for identification of useful genetic variations in cotton germplasm and other aspects of the utilization of the genetic diversity of world cotton germplasm resources. Speakers:
09:15 | First Breakout Session: Technology for the Preparation and Planting of Cotton Seeds in Diverse Soil and Climatic Conditions Summary
(Crystal Ballroom) The quality of sowing seeds largely determines the outcome of the forthcoming cotton crop and the quality of cotton fiber. Aspects related to the development of automated, high-performance equipment complexes for improving the technology of sowing seeds will be considered during the session. Specialists will examine methods and drugs for dressing and encapsulating cotton seeds, as well as means of field preparation, precision sowing, applied to diverse soil and climatic conditions. Speakers:
10:30 | Coffee/tea break | |||
11:00 | Third Open Session: Trends in the Textile Industry and Inter-fiber Competition Summary
(Tamir Amur Main Hall) This session will explore ways to stimulate the internal processing of cotton fiber in cotton-producing countries, so as to obtain greater added value and improve the efficiency of the cotton sector. Particular attention will be paid to the experience of Uzbekistan, which is increasing the internal processing of cotton and the production of finished high-quality textile products. In addition, this session will examine aspects related to the competition faced by cotton from other, especially man-made, fibers. Speakers:
11:15 | Second Breakout Session: New Technologies and Other Measures for Increasing Cotton Yields Summary (Crystal Ballroom)
This session will discuss novel technologies to boost potential yield, using both traditionally accepted agrotechnologies and emerging new biotechnologies. Increases in cotton yields by providing resistance to pests and disease using traditional and modern pest management technologies in the era of global climate change and technological advances will be highlighted. Speakers:
12:30 | Lunch | |||
13:45 | Fourth Open Session: Textile Innovations: Nanotechnologies for Current and Future Fabrics Summary
(Amir Temur Main Hall) Scientific and technological progress enables the production of a wide range of original textile materials with innovative properties. Innovations in the textile industry and the original solutions of fashion designers are very much in demand. This session will consider examples of the application of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in the industry market, as well as forecasts for their development. Speakers:
14:45 | Coffee/tea break | |||
15:30/18:00 |
Visit to the Cotton and Textile Fair (optional) |
16:00 | Fifth Open Session (World Café): Promotion of Cotton Summary (Crystal Ballroom) Participants will brainstorm strategies to promote the use of cotton (All participants, including official delegates and observers, will break up into groups at round tables around the conference hall. Groups will be organized according to languages. There will be trained facilitators at each table.)
Moderator: Mr. Mark Messura, Executive Vice President, Global Product Supply Chain, Cotton Incorporated, USA |
17:00 | Coffee/tea break |
17:15 | Fifth Open Session (World Café): Results and Discussion (Crystal Ballroom) A facilitator will lead a discussion of common results from the group discussions. (Participants will remain at round tables; floor microphones will be available for each table)
Moderator: Mr. Mark Messura, Executive Vice President, Global Product Supply Chain, Cotton Incorporated, USA |
19:00 |
Hall «Atrium-2» of JSC NEC «Uzexpocentre»
(Business attire) |
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Order of the Day
09:00/00:00 | Sixth Open Session - Technical Seminar: Opportunities and Challenges for Technology Transfer in Cotton Summary
(Amir Temur Main Hall) Cotton research has progressed at a much faster pace than the methods used to transfer new technologies to growers. The technology packages recommended for adoption are no longer limited exclusively to material issues, such as newer varieties, fertilizer use and so on. Newer methods of mass communication must be developed and tested, so as to reach as many growers as possible. Technology transfer, as such, has suffered from lack of innovation. Growers have to be motivated to actively seek new technologies. The philosophy underlying technology transfer also needs to be changed. Messages must be cost-effective and the focus must shift to the resultant interactions among materials before a new materials-based technology can be developed and commercialized. The new economic and scientific context requires a more innovative and complex model for transferring technology. The development of electronic media, both for access to online information and for personal outreach via mobile phones, is revealing new challenges and opportunities. Instead of describing current methods of technology transfer, the seminar will focus on new options and methods to effectively disseminate production technology to large and small growers. Speakers:
10:30 | Coffee/tea break | ||
11:00 | Sixth Open Session - Technical Seminar: Opportunities and Challenges in Technology Transfer in Cotton (cont.) (Amir Temur Main Hall) Speakers:
12:30 | Lunch | ||
12:30 | Business Lunch of the International Forum for Cotton Promotion (IFCP) (by invitation only) |
13:45 | Seventh Open Session: Impacts on Quality and Volume of Long-Term Storage of Cotton Products Summary
(Amir Temur Main Hall) Despite reductions in the last two seasons, world stocks of cotton fiber remain at high levels. The volume of fiber stored in warehouses for extended lengths of time is increasing. In this connection, it is interesting to discuss the effects of time and methods of warehousing on changes in the quantity and quality of fiber during long-term storage, including issues related to the moisture content of cotton fiber, recommended parameters of packaging materials, warehouse characteristics, permissible variations in the quality of fiber and bale weight. Speakers:
15:00/18:00 | - Tashkent City Tour - Concert (Smart casual attire) |
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Order of the Day
07:30 | Breakfast meeting for past host country and future host country (by invitation only) |
09:00/00:00 | Eighth Open Session: Modern Cotton Ginning Technology Summary
(Amir Temur Main Hall) The high level of competition on the world cotton market and the emergence of modern, technologically advanced and high-speed textile machinery, as well as the need for high quality and competitive textile products lead to tightening of requirements for the quality of cotton fiber. Ginneries must ensure compliance with the norms and rules of the technological process to preserve the natural quality of cotton products, minimize fiber loss and obtain high-quality cotton products. The objective of this session is to discuss and showcase the best ginning practices in order to enhance efficiency, preserve quality and increase cotton fiber output. Speakers:
09:00 | Third Breakout Session: Standardization, Quality Assessment, Traceability and Certification
(Crystal Ballroom) The cotton industry is constantly seeking to develop and standardize new methods for cotton fiber testing, as well as implementing programs for the harmonization of international requirements and test procedures. At the same time, there is increasing interest in certifying the traceability of cotton, in order to ensure supply chain integrity, protect brand quality and ensure accountability. Traceability includes a variety of aspects including technological and administrative solutions. This session will discuss new methods of testing, new devices, traceability procedures and standards. Speakers:
10:30 | Coffee/tea break |
11:00 | Ninth Open Session: Effects of GMO and Non-GMO Cotton Production Summary (Amir Temur Main Hall) This session will examine issues related GMO and non-GMO cotton production, including the maintenance of non-GMO cotton production as an option and the use of "GMO-Free" seals/labels. Speakers:
11:00 | Fourth Breakout Session: Economic Aspects of the Issues of Harvesting and Procurement of Raw Cotton and Settlements with Producers Summary
(Crystal Ballroom) In a number of cotton countries, including Uzbekistan, raw cotton is bought from farmers by cotton ginneries. In this aspect, it is interesting to discuss the experience of other countries in the organization of raw cotton procurement systems, evaluation of its quality characteristics and performing mutual settlements for seed cotton between farmers and ginneries. During the session it is planned to discuss the economic aspects of interaction between producers and processors of seed cotton in order to stimulate all participants to produce more high quality cotton fiber. Speakers:
12:30 | Lunch | ||
13:45 | Meeting of the Drafting Group (Members only) |
14:00 | Fifth Breakout Session: Cotton Products and Research Trends Summary
(Crystal Ballroom) The accelerated development of the cotton industry and the achievement of high production results are largely based on the use of scientific and technical potential. This session will examine current trends of research in the field of production and processing of cotton products, including priorities for fundamental and applied research in techniques and technology of cotton production and processing, implementation and commercialization of innovative scientific products, and the possibility of combining the potential and coordination of countries' efforts for development in these areas. Speakers:
15:30 | Coffee/tea break | ||
16:00 | Meeting of the Drafting Group (Members only) (cont.) |
16:00 | Sixth Breakout Session: Recent developments in logistics and insurance systems Summary
(Crystal Ballroom) The session will discuss issues related to the safe, timely and affordable delivery of shipments to buyers, such as modern methods of transportation of raw cotton and cotton fiber, aspects of warehousing and storage of cotton, phytosanitary requirements and fumigation issues, advanced methods of organizing loading and unloading operations, optimization of document clearance by use of electronic data interchange, projects of new transportation routes and new forms of insurance. Speakers:
19:00 | Gala dinner. Reception hosted by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan (dinner and cultural program) (Business attire) |
Friday, 27 October 2017
Order of the Day
09:00/00:00 | Meeting of the Steering Committee (Members only) Chair: Ms. Claudia Fontana Tobiassen, Chair ad interim Standing Committee Summary
10:30 | Coffee/tea break | ||
11:00 | Closing Plenary Session Summary
12:30 | Lunch | ||
15:00 | Press conference and briefing for journalists | ||
Technical tour/travel |
Saturday and Sunday (28 and 29 October 2017)
Technical Tour/Tourism |
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Returning to Tashkent by approximately 19:00 hrs. |